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​展覽資訊 Exhibitions Information


繁花The Blossoms

Limit Print Edition Show of San Yu

May 6th, 2024 - July 28th, 2024

與 多納藝術 Donna Art 合作, 以「繁花」為主題,在THE STUDIO的用餐&展覽空間展出大師常玉的限量花卉版畫

根據《常玉油畫全集》內容,裸女、花卉、動物為其三大創作主題,已知常玉一生共創作133 幅花卉畫作,55 幅以菊花為主題,其餘花卉作品也少於13 幅。花卉不只是他企圖延續東方文人畫的內涵,也是他暗喻自己生命歷程的媒介,就如他筆下的菊花,常常存在於構圖大膽、充滿想像空間的超現實畫面中,顯得孤傲獨立,但卻生存在百花齊放的花都巴黎之中。在亞洲現代藝術市場中,常玉的花卉主題的作品更以驚人的天價成交,足見花卉是常玉畫作中最具代表性的精品

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Gourmets in the Allies

王意馨 Leslie Wang | 原畫手稿展

November, 25th, 2023 - February, 7th, 2024





本展展出2020-2023 間,Leslie旅行台灣各縣市的食記手稿,從小吃出發,連結到地方物產、結合旅遊、飲食經驗,用畫筆紀錄。希望藉此環島計畫,發掘深處各地的台灣人情味。


Michael Vincent Manalo | MVM個展

September, 16th, 2023 - November, 11th, 2023



每個人心中都閃耀著遠方的目標,在經歷一次又一次的自我質疑後,逐漸凝結出理想的輪廓。Michael 也時常聆聽有關馬可·奧里略的節目,讓他的哲學觀點陪伴著進入漫長而孤寂的自我反省之旅,試圖從萬物眾觀的視角理解生命,淘汰多餘的噪音,在有限的歲月中聚焦於內心渴望的那一份美好。

作為一位數位藝術家,Michael 擅長在作品中利用複合式的媒材創作,本檔展覽中的作品也會橫跨「壓克力帆布畫」與「AR技術」兩種媒介,觀者將能更身歷其境地感受Michael的心靈旅程。



August, 27th, 2022 - November, 05th, 2022


“Eat, Taste, Record, Remember.” meaning drawing food through realistic painting style and technique, is a record of dessert and art. I hope to attract people to know more about art and food through delicate food paintings. Also, food painting has always been my way of telling the truth.


When I was a child, I always thought that the farther away from home, the better. However, when you indeed leave home, you will find yourself constantly missing the taste of your hometown.


Humans are good at using food to shorten the distance from home. No matter how far you are away from your hometown, the taste of home is still in your heart, it is like a memory engraved on your soul and firmly locked in your heart, and you will always miss the taste in your memory.


The same is true among people. Life is like a feast, and you will never know what the next dish will be.


When people are alive, they always feel that the future is long, but it is not. It was not until later that I realized that life is about subtraction. Every minute and every second we have passed is irreversible, and there are too many moments and regrets.


Enjoy the delicacy at your best times, and let the food help you convey what you want to say!



August, 27th, 2022 - November, 05th, 2022


“Eat, Taste, Record, Remember.” meaning drawing food through realistic painting style and technique, is a record of dessert and art. I hope to attract people to know more about art and food through delicate food paintings. Also, food painting has always been my way of telling the truth.


When I was a child, I always thought that the farther away from home, the better. However, when you indeed leave home, you will find yourself constantly missing the taste of your hometown.


Humans are good at using food to shorten the distance from home. No matter how far you are away from your hometown, the taste of home is still in your heart, it is like a memory engraved on your soul and firmly locked in your heart, and you will always miss the taste in your memory.


The same is true among people. Life is like a feast, and you will never know what the next dish will be.


When people are alive, they always feel that the future is long, but it is not. It was not until later that I realized that life is about subtraction. Every minute and every second we have passed is irreversible, and there are too many moments and regrets.


Enjoy the delicacy at your best times, and let the food help you convey what you want to say!


June, 11th, 2022 - August, 19th, 2022

By creating a business model dedicated to physical art and NFT to challenge the boundaries of art and continue the relationship between art and technology, TIMEART exhibits six different series of physical prints and NFTs in the exhibition "NEXT, NFT!"


The combinations include Chen Guanru's "Passenger of the Hundred Generations", Chen Xiaozhong's "Faces Beauty", Liu Yushan's series of creations, East District Goose Wu NFT, HubAuto NFT and Huo Gang's "Huo Gang Art Journey - NFT Project".

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April, 26th, 2022- June, 5th, 2022

This exhibition uses 42 collections as Cesar's manifesto for art, breaking the traditional presentation method with the theme of fame or the popularity of works.


Manifesto 42 is based on the connection between collectors and works of art, including the first-hand experience of artists and collectors. The exchange content and memories are the highlights of this exhibition, which are different from the previous exhibition experience and allow visitors, collectors and artworks to form a dialogue.

"They speak to my journey as an artist, educator, spiritual perceiver, husband, parent and lover of life," says Kaiser. Ultimately I hope this exhibition will inspire others to piece together their own as an artistic statement. story."

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