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【包德納 Bernard Bordenave Vikram】時光隧道 Time Tunnel


他, Bernard Bordenave Vikram 包德納,一位瑜伽愛好者、30 多年的素食主義者,同時也是位移居在台的法籍紀實攝影師。他,今年 75 歲。

在 1974 年首次拜訪亞洲,經歷了七個月的背包客之旅,開啟他對東方文化的熱愛,1980 年受邀來台攝影,本只想短暫停留,但在多次走訪臺灣後,便決定在這落地生根。


當我問起,你為什麼一直堅持拍攝人物肖像呢? 他靦腆地回答:「有些時候,你可以在被攝者中看到自己。這個看到,不單單是眼睛,而是直覺。其實,在我拍的照片裡,不只有人物,背景也是這些照片的養分,總訴說著當時的文化與歷史。」

手拿著相機,他轉向小巷裡,撲鼻而來的是小吃攤和燒香的味道。年復一年,Bernard 回顧起那段 80 年代的攝影之路,世代變遷,社會轉換的太快,小吃攤販變老了,小屋消失,高樓大廈林立,他拍的東西,一下子已經煙消雲散,總覺得攝影追不上時間的步伐。


A practitioner of yoga, a vegetarian for 30 years, and an adopted Taiwanese, documentary photographer. He is 75 years old. Bernard Bordenave took his first trip to Asia in 1974 backpacking across Laos for 7 months. The discovery of his love for Eastern Cultures led to his decision to move to Taiwan in 1980.

Over the decades, he has documented many Asian cultures and urban changes through photography, preferring unremarkable alleyways and streets far away from tourists in order to capture their how life modifies places and people through time.

When we asked him, "why you always take portraits?" He said, “Sometimes people see themselves while the people they take. The picture-taking process, a greater part of it, is an intuitive thing. And in my photographs, people are important so does a background. Background speaks of its cultural and historical significance. ”

Camera in hand, he steers towards the modest alleys that smell of cooking and burnt incense, forgotten behind high-rises and apartment complexes. From year to year, the French photographer retraces his path and watch as the soup merchants grow old, the hovels disappear, and the buildings rise up.

"In Taiwan", he says, "We live less and less in the streets, more and more in the shops, it becomes difficult to find people to photograph, and the ubiquitous cars trivialize any image".

- 讓我們一同在 8/11 Portraits-The way in 肖像:探幽之徑 藝術餐會中,跌進 Bernard Bordenave 包德納的時光隧道,進入法國人眼中的台灣,邀請您一同來聆聽。

You are invited to join us on Aug 11 at one of the hidden private kitchens in Taipei. Let's get lost in Bernard Bordenave's time tunnel and explore the past and present Taiwan thru the eyes' of this amazing French photographer.

- 時間 Time:6:30PM - 10:00PM, August 9-11, 2019 地點 Place: 狐偲 La Renardiere 了解更多資訊與訂票連結 EXPLORE MORE INFO & BOOK TICKETS: - 協辦單位 Co-organizer: 多納藝術 Donna Art

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